Saving Turtles: How Chika Boy Removes Barnacles to Restore Health

In the coastal waters of Sri Lanka, a local YouTuber named Chika Boy has become a hero for the sea turtles. It is for rescuing them from the life-threatening grip of barnacles. Chika Boy was a passionate YouTuber who had the most noble cause for saving sea turtles. He uploads videos in which he demonstrates how he cleans the barnacles from their shells. These videos have won the hearts of many and has made a lot of people aware of the beauty of these animals. Chika Boy on his YouTube Channel teaches people about assistance for turtles and the process of removing barnacles from the snake. Simply, barnacles are harmful to turtles, and the battle seems to be one-sided. When a number of barnacles attach, these make it almost impossible for the turtle to move or even see and feed. The barnacles also have the ability to make wounds on the skin of the turtle that leads to infections. Chika Boy’s actions of trying to remove these barnacles is helpful in offering health back and freedom to such turtles.

1. The Problem with Barnacles

1.1. Barnacles and Their Impact on Turtles

Hope you all know that barnacles are small crustaceans that attach themselves to hard surfaces in the ocean including the shells of sea turtles. Although barnacles are not parasites, they are dangerous when they attach in groups.

Barnacles that may attach to the body of a turtle come with extra weight to the turtle. This additional weight slows down the turtles’ speed in water making it easier for predators to easily catch them. Barnacles can cling to the exterior in regions close to the eyes of the turtle and that affects their sight. This might lead to poor vision. Therefore, there is a low ability of these turtles to locate food because they are partially blind. Moreover, when barnacles are around the mouth, turtles get difficult to eat too.
Sometimes, barnacles cause skin sores on the turtle. These wounds cause infections on turtle skin by worsening its health status. In addition, the burden of too many barnacles can be life-threatening.

1.2. Signs of Bad Health

The barnacles negatively impact the health of turtles by making them unhealthy. Mainly, they make the turtles slow. Turtles that have many barnacles on them seem lethargic too. Extra weight by the barnacles may also make the turtles lose proper swimming ability.

Another sign of poor health is a lack of appetite. When turtles have barnacles around their mouth, it will be difficult for them to have meals. So, they will end up being malnourished and often weak. There can also be observable injuries or illnesses of their skin where the barnacles have affected them.
Through these signs, people can easily identify when such a turtle needs assistance. This knowledge is valuable for those who are willing to contribute in the saving process of the guardians like Chika Boy who fights for these magnificent animals.

2. Chika Boy’s Mission

2.1. Introduction to Chika Boy

Simply, Chika Boy is an enthusiastic YouTuber from Sri Lanka. He indicated interest in marine life though the specific interest in sea turtles. Chika Boy’s story is about him when he realized some barnacles were a threat to the turtles. So, he decided to do something and document it on his YouTube channel. So, his mission was to rescue turtles by removing the barnacles that cause them harm. Accordingly, Chika Boy aims to inform people and increase their knowledge about the importance of protecting these creatures through his videos.

2.2. The Process of Removing Barnacles

Chika Boy’s barnacle removal process is meticulous and gentle. To remove the barnacles on the turtle’s shell, he uses simple tools like a knife. Then, he scrapes off the barnacles gently. The technique does not allow the use of any kind of force and should be done patiently and carefully.

First, Chika Boy tames the turtle to make it feel comfortable. Then, he grabs the turtle carefully to ensure that he does not exert pressure on the turtle thus stressing it. Next, he proceeds to use the knife to peel off the barnacles one by one.  He makes sure not to harm the turtle’s shell or skin during the process. After removing the barnacles, Chika Boy examines the turtle for signs of injuries. If needed, he will then apply some antiseptic in order to avoid infection.

Chika Boy considers safety whenever he ensures the well-being of turtles. His words carefully make turtles feel comfortable. Once the process is complete, he releases the turtle back into the ocean and the turtle can swim back to the sea.

2.3. Chika Boy’s Videos

Chika Boy has really taken his chances on YouTube and is now producing very many videos. One of his most viewed videos shows the step-by-step process of removing barnacles from a turtle’s shell. People are enthralled by the fact that he is kind and determined. This video has been watched by millions of people across the world appreciating his effort. 

Another popular video shows a turtle that was heavily infested with barnacles. Here, Chika Boy’s careful removal process and the turtle’s recovery touched many hearts. The video inspired viewers to learn more about marine conservation and how they can help.
In addition to the videos presenting Chika Boy’s projects, the recurring element of barnacles affecting turtles is included as well. It is evidenced by his creations that people eagerly await his new contents and valuable tips in preserving the lives of sea creatures. In his videos, Chika Boy still goes on to create awareness and advocating for people to come and help him rescue turtles.

3. The Impact of Chika Boy’s Work

3.1. Positive Outcomes for Turtles

Chika Boy’s efforts have led to many success stories. One such story is about a turtle named Lucky. Lucky was found with a threat of barnacles which have made it very hard for her to move and eat. Chika Boy very gently scraped it off the barnacles within the weeks. So, Lucky started to regain its strength. She was fitter and resumed swimming much to her normalcy.

There is another story concerning a turtle called Shelly. Barnacles were located just above Shelly’s eyes and her mouth and interfered with her ability to both see and eat. Here, it can be noted that the behavior of Shelly completely transformed after the interaction with Chika Boy. She began to eat her food properly and get back her strength. Accordingly, she even got well soon.

3.2. Community and Global Impact

From Chika Boy’s works, thousands of turtles together with other creatures have been saved and many people were touched. In addition, more people within the local community are now informed and sensitive to the situations concerning sea turtles and threats from barnacles. School children and the members of other civic associations also requested Chika Boy to address them on his work, making people of all ages aware.

In addition, Chika Boy’s YouTube channel has received audiences from across the world now. Many countries are interested, and his videos have prompted action. So, people have come up with local groups to protect turtles and other sea animals. The raise of awareness has contributed to the application of efforts toward the conservation of our seas and sea creatures, which is a testament to Chika Boy’s mission.

3.3. Testimonies and Reactions

Here, the reactions to Chika Boy’s videos have been overwhelmingly positive. So, audiences are often responding in comments appreciating the show. Many people, especially marine biologists and conservationists have also appreciated the efforts of Chika Boy. When interviewed, Dr. Maria Silva, a marine biologist said, “Chika Boy is really helpful. He comes out here everyday scraping barnacles and making people aware of it.” John Parker, a conservationist, echoed the same saying, “His awareness is something I find highly useful. He is a perfect example to many out here. ”

Unlike some of the chain mail characters, Chika Boy himself has recorded personal incidents about these matters. He states, “Every time I save a turtle, I feel happiness inside of me, and watching the turtles swim away after the elimination of the barnacles is the most satisfying. Thanks to my viewers/followers for the love and support they have shown.”

The workplace of Chika Boy is indeed a place where magnificent turtles are being treated and saved from barnacles. In addition to quick treatment for these turtles, the films also encourage a world to stand up and fight for marine conservation.


Chika Boy’s effort to protect sea turtles from the threats of barnacles are noble and helpful. Not only does he make such beauties live healthy and energetic lives, but also increases the public’s concern for the protection of marine life. Through entertaining videos and posting his methods and achievements, Chika Boy helps people all over the world learn and be active.
Results like getting better health and behavior of the rescued turtles prove that he is efficient in his work. Moreover, awareness gained from the community and viewers all across the world and support of this mission demonstrate the social significance of his actions.

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